November 15, 2009

A Girl Knows

The Words:

airplane, cheesecake, energy, girl, school, hospital, cat, hand, bed, blanket


"How do you expect me to know that you like cheesecake?"

"Yet, I know that your cat has a particular spot on your bed and that you like a glass of orange juice first thing in the morning."

"You're a girl."

"Oh, and that's supposed to be your lame excuse for everything."

"It isn't lame. It's the truth. An airplane flies. A hand touches. A girl knows."

"I wonder why people flunk out of schools that teach and die in hospitals which heal."

"And I wonder why you waste so much energy knowing things about me instead of just telling me what you want from me."

"Forget it. Just forget it."

"Does this mean I win?"

"I have to tell you THAT too?"

"A girl always knows."

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I can't decide if I want a man like that or not. . .

Enjoyed reading this, although it would be nice to get in on more of their conversation.