October 20, 2009

The Hub

The Words:

Technology / Cisco / Router / Hub / Switch / Computer / Keyboard / Communication / Data / Efficiency /Internet


"Cisco Systems, how may I help you today?"

"Umm yeah. I was wondering what to get for putting together computers."

"You mean networking?"

"Yeah! Yeah, that's it... I was looking up stuff on the Internet and none of it make no sense."

"Sir, what kind of data are you trying to communicate?"

"I don't know... umm.. I don't know, just data."

"How efficient would you like your networking to be?"

"Look man, I ain't got no technology know-how on me. It's just... how the hell is a hub gonna be helpful in this?"

"Sir, a hub, a switch and a router are all computer networking devices. Each have different capabilities. How many computers are you planning to hook up to the network?"

"How many compu-- what the hell, man? I ain't got a million computers!"

"Sir, you need at least two computers for any sort of networking."

"All I got is a desktop with a monitor and keyboard. All I wanna know is if I be needing a hub too."

"If you don't have any other computer sir, then no, you don't need a hub, sir."

"No hub?"

"No hub, sir."

"Aight man, that's all I needed to know. Thank you... [aside before hanging up the phone fully] Darlene, I TOLD you your friend was lyin--"

[Operator replies for the record] "Thank you sir, and have a good day. Pardon, I mean, good night. Pardon, I mean, whatever time it is in US of the A..."



freshjiva. said...

Hehe, dumb Americans :)

Sesquipedalien said...

Now Fresh, that ain't true... humans in general can be pretty ignorant :)

Anonymous said...

lack of insight to the tech world, akin to the blind being asked..."see this rose? No, I cannot. Then i pity you. O'rly, for i see that rose for what it is, it's scent, it's touch, and it's thought...let alone it's meaning from someone so crass."

Sesquipedalien said...

Alas indeed... I wish I did have more insight to things before I write these things, but Time rules. Forgive for the blindness..