October 23, 2009

If You Knew

The Words:

peace, red, heart, flowers, dreams, clouds, stars, nudity, kiss, bride, pillows.


I never bought into the fantasy of love. The dreams that girls harbored when they were smiling secretly into their pillows, wishing that the stars had a constellation of their crush, or imagining clouds the shape of his nose. Chocolates in red boxes and flowers with a tender greeting kiss or whatever kind of kiss they liked, made them swoon.

But what is raw is when you're looking at a man and you don't expect him to know anything about you. You'll know his favorite songs and colors. You'll remember ever last word that escapes his mind, and you'll count the lines on his face silently when he smiles at you. You'll be torn to pieces when he playfully brushes against your shoulder, or takes your hand fleetingly to twirl you in a dance step. You'll laugh at him telling you things like, "I am NEVER going to fall in love," and then want to whisper, you want to know what love is? But you'll never expect anything because the nudity of love would kill you.

And when they tell me that being a bride is the ultimate peace keeper of the heart, I sigh.

Oh, if you knew...


chupacavraz said...

I like this one a lot. It makes me feel warm and cold at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!