October 14, 2009


The Words:

thumbs, milk mustache, cheeky, raincoat, voltage, processional, prognosis, velour, junk, synecdoche, culprit


"You're kidding, right?"

They were laying on the grassy knoll above the river in raincoats, the wet moss a sort of velour sheet underneath.

"Not kidding. Ready?"


"A specific class of milk mustaches."

"Got Milk?"

"Part of 'tongue in cheek rude.'"


"For a farmer."

"Green thumbs."

"Indicative processional."

"Here comes the Bride."

"General class of unwanted shit."


"Part of electricity."


"Have we already played this?"

"Your memory is your culprit."

He shifted over and raised himself on his elbows, looking down into her mocking smile. Years smoldered between them. How did she remember.

"Prognosis. Not culprit."


"One more."


"Encompassing of a whole in three."

She laid silent, brows furrowed. He grinned, relishing.


"Don't give up."

"Have I ever?"


"Oh shut up.... let me think..."


"No. I can do this."

She stared at the gray masses above, shifting shapes with the wind. She bolted up as it came to her, looking down at him with a smirk,

"That's it! I love you!"

He laughed up at her, sinking into her joy, her success. Standing on his elbows again, he tilted his head and matched her smile.

"Me too."


Grade: A


Lily Tinge said...

*laughs, delighted*

And I thought the answer for "Encompassing of a whole in three" is "The Godhead"!

I like this one. It's happy :D

freshjiva. said...

I thought the same thing!

Luis Rios said...

You did very well. I'm a pretty harsh critic, but I definitely think this one was an A! Not sure about an A+... because I have a hard time thinking of moss as velour-like. Otherwise, the story flowed like the wind in the grass. :) Wonderful job my friend.