November 8, 2009


The Words:

belay, marmot, woolly bear, pinnacle, pulpit, frigid, breathtaking, cairn, vestibule, dew, moonlight.


In the moonlight the shadow of the cairn was a monolith of its own, the pinnacle a dewy patch of moss a couple of feet away from my toes. It was frigid and I was wishing I had tamed the woolly bear cub I had seen this spring... being in a cave against it's fur would have solved my frozen form. My marmot sniffed at my neck. I didn't name it anything. It was not my place to name it. A pulpit was required for that. I murmured into the night... being alone does that to you sometimes. It gives you a sense of realism, hearing your voice in the silence of nature.

"Belayyyyyyyyyy" I called to the breathtaking moon.

It would be 8 months tomorrow.

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